80s :: Illustration Friday
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Digital Image :: Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI
Each figure above represents a person or event from the 1980s.
Can you identify all 8 E's (<- get it)?
On a personal note, several signifcant events occurred in the 1980's for me:
I graduated High School :: I graduated from college :: Got my first car (Chrysler Newport '66 -uhhhg) :: Met my fiance :: Got Married :: Started what was to become my career :: My first child was born :: Bought my first house
Digital Image :: Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI
Each figure above represents a person or event from the 1980s.
Can you identify all 8 E's (<- get it)?
On a personal note, several signifcant events occurred in the 1980's for me:
I graduated High School :: I graduated from college :: Got my first car (Chrysler Newport '66 -uhhhg) :: Met my fiance :: Got Married :: Started what was to become my career :: My first child was born :: Bought my first house
All right... I've got seven of them... I think... but I'm a bit stumped on the first one. Any hints?
great pieces!!! great ideas. thanks for stopping by!
Ah, Mount St. HelEns. M(E) tv! Michael Jackson was black & male! A babysitter made us watch Charles & Di get married (for forever & ever) Cool job
Great work! Very thoughtful.
Got all but the upper left. Great post; not one but EIGHT icons. Cool.
(Psssssst, Twisselman, it's Miami Vice!)
(And hey, if anyone bothered to read this far down the comments, surely he/she deserves to know.)
Thanks for the hint! And thank goodness for Google.
Cool illustration. Looks like you used the side of a Rubik's Cube for the background. I watched Mt. St. Helens blow from my front porch way back then.
You certainly crammed a lot of living in the 80's.
Fun idea to name the people and events. Cleverly done.
very clever.... very good representation of the era... and boy, were you busy!
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