Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Illustration Friday :: Your Paradise


Twisselman said...

Cool graphic. Bold and bright. BTW, there is a Paradise, California (as well as a very small town named Harmony..."they all lived in Harmony," as one my friends liked to say whenever he saw the road sign.)... But then there are probably a lot of towns called Paradise... Could be an outlet for your postcard... just change the background photos.

Unknown said...

Now I am really homesick for Northern Michigan! It has been three years since we've been camping "Up North" and this summer does not look promising either.

BTW, isn't there a Paradise, MI in the U.P.?

Lauren Kate said...

Nice idea - and quite a nice graphic too - keep it up!

Tony LaRocca said...

Yeah, I think Earth is pretty spiffy as it is!