Saturday, January 13, 2007

80s :: Illustration Friday

( click image for larger size )
Digital Image :: Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI

Each figure above represents a person or event from the 1980s.
Can you identify all 8 E's (<- get it)?

On a personal note, several signifcant events occurred in the 1980's for me:
I graduated High School :: I graduated from college :: Got my first car (Chrysler Newport '66 -uhhhg) :: Met my fiance :: Got Married :: Started what was to become my career :: My first child was born :: Bought my first house


Josy said...

All right... I've got seven of them... I think... but I'm a bit stumped on the first one. Any hints?

Michelle Lana said...

great pieces!!! great ideas. thanks for stopping by!

Tony LaRocca said...

Ah, Mount St. HelEns. M(E) tv! Michael Jackson was black & male! A babysitter made us watch Charles & Di get married (for forever & ever) Cool job

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Great work! Very thoughtful.

Twisselman said...

Got all but the upper left. Great post; not one but EIGHT icons. Cool.

Josy said...

(Psssssst, Twisselman, it's Miami Vice!)

(And hey, if anyone bothered to read this far down the comments, surely he/she deserves to know.)

Thanks for the hint! And thank goodness for Google.

Robert McLaughlin said...

Cool illustration. Looks like you used the side of a Rubik's Cube for the background. I watched Mt. St. Helens blow from my front porch way back then.

sammo said...

You certainly crammed a lot of living in the 80's.

Fun idea to name the people and events. Cleverly done.

Kim de Young said...

very clever.... very good representation of the era... and boy, were you busy!