Sunday, July 13, 2008

Illustration Friday :: Foggy

I have finally been able to post again after a four month hiatus.
It's good to be back.

Digital image :: Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI

Click image for larger size.

( Click here for entire blog )


Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

With not very many elements, you really captured a great mood, plus a really deep, convincing sense of space. Excellent work.

Gai said...

hey I love the clearness, funny that seeing how or not seeing how foggy it is. Your illo is brill. The clarity of what it is. I love your other work too, glad you are back and I can see what I have been missing.

Hajnalka Cserháti, Ojni said...

The best! Congratulation!

Tony LaRocca said...

Very spiffy - watch out for bad driving conditions!

Brine Blank said...

Wow...great effect the graphic trees...and the canned laughter is pretty top notch idea...funny...

A said...

I love this!