Wednesday, February 7, 2007

I've been tagged!!

I've been tagged by Halloweenville!

RULES: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

Six weird things about me:

1) I have two toes that have been 'stuck' together all my life.

2) I don't care to walk barefoot on grass. I think this stems back to my childhood when I stepped on a bee and was stung.

3) I sometimes put peanut butter on a hot dog. Don't knock 'til you've tried it! I am willing to bet that everybody eats something that someone else would think was weird.

4) I have trouble using the last of something like a gallon of milk or the last of a box of cereal. This is not as much a problem as it used to be.

5) My kids got me a birthday card that said "You are special" on the front. Inside it said "Mom told us to use 'special' when we mean 'weird'. They think I am very 'special. ;-)

6) I traced this meme back from Nicole Puzzo to Kathy Weller to Majeak Ann to Annax to Jademon to Simmy. Simmy didn't mention the two people who sent it to her.

OKAY! Must tag others now! I will use every sixth person who posted their entry to Illustration Friday after me.

I now tag Kayleen, Michelle, Caroline, Kutor, Katherine, Linda (I skipped Alina since she has already been tagged twice.)


Caroline said...

I love your idea to tag IF people - tee hee - and you might think its special to follow tags upstream to see where they've come from but I've done that too... and I admitted it without considering it one of my "quirky" facts in this one:

Linda said...

Wow, I guess you can wear those toe socks that are made like gloves, that's no big lose.
I like peanut butter and hot dogs but I have to tell you to try it together I'm apprehensive.