Saturday, February 3, 2007

Sprout :: Illustration Friday

( click image for larger size )
Digital image :: Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI

( Click here for entire blog )


Michelle Lana said...

sweet work larry!

Jeff Garris said...

I dig it. It's clean and simple. One sprout among a barren wasteland of cold and snow, giving us all the hope of warmth and sunshine. Very nice.

-Jeff Garris

Anonymous said...

great composition!

Josy said...

Aww. Such a lonely sprout!

Amy Zaleski said...

This is not unrealistic considering it's nine degrees here today but 3 weeks ago it was 73 degrees and my garden was looking like this - without the snow. Nicely done!

nicole falk said...

nice work!

ps - you are tagged (hope thats ok!) - read my blog to find out..

Anonymous said...

I always suspected this is how snow peas get thier start... at least I'm pretty sure this is not iceburg lettuce.

Caroline said...

What a lovely sprout with lots of room to grow

Twisselman said...

Springtime on the arctic tundra. The little guy looks sorta tropical. Very nice.

n. said...

great sprout!!